Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of School

Wow. I can't believe it is half way through September and I haven't posted anything for a long time. Life has been super busy. The kids started school a few weeks ago and I thought that I would get more time to do stuff with them in school since they are gone all day, but no, instead I spend all day finding backpacks and shoes, helping with homework, and driving kids around. Super crazy. I wanted to post pictures of the kids on their first day of school but I still haven't been able to sit down and have Micah download the pictures from the camera and put them on the computer so I could write this blog, and now I've just decided to write about them going to school and if the pictures don't get put up that's ok. Jacklyn is in afternoon kindergarten this year and she is in the same class as one of her best friends, Jenna, so she was pretty excited when she found that out. They ride the little kindergarten bus to school together each day and they love it. Jayden is in third grade this year and his teacher is one of the ladies that lives in our ward, Mrs. Manning. He was pretty excited about that and said he wanted to do really good at school this year. Jayden really likes to check out books on legos at the school library and yesterday we learned how they make legos. That was actually really interesting. I had no idea that they put so much work into making sure that every lego set has every single piece. I have one more important thing to say and then I need to go. Today is my mom's birthday, so I wanted to her wish her a happy and wonderful day and thank her for being my mom. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!