Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring Slideshow

We've had a lot of exciting things going on in April, so I decided to just combine them all into one big slide show and just explain what has been going on. First, we had Easter. When we woke up in the morning there was a fresh blanket of snow. I like snow, but not in April, and not when we are planning on having an Easter egg hunt. So the Egg Hunt was canceled, and the sad part is two weeks later we still haven't done it because it's been too cold or we've been too busy. I even bought these really cool glow-in-the-dark eggs. The kids did have a lot of fun on Easter and got lots of fun things in their Easter basket. Thanks to that Easter bunny. He always puts my favortie candy in there. When I was a kid I could never figure out why the Easter bunny put those whopper eggs in my basket. I hated those eggs. Then Mom said she loved them one year, and the light came on. LOL. We did some Easter egg coloring during the week and I didn't want the kids to get dye on their clothes so I had Addison paint in his diaper. Jayden said he would be careful because he didn't want to paint Easter eggs in his underwear. Funny guy. We also had my birthday on April 6, Micah took the day off and was planning on working on the yard, but it was either snowing, blowing, or freezing, so nothing got done. We went out to McDonalds to eat for my birthday, not my number 1 choice, but at least the kids could go wild at the PlayPlace and Micah and I could sit and talk in peace. They got these really cool Happy Meals that turned into horned hats. I told the kids I wanted a picture of them in their hats for my birthday present. Jacklyn and Addison were excited and let us take pictures, but Jayden didn't want his picture with his hat. That's why he's not in the pictures. Anyway, we have been working on getting the rest of our yard grassed in, so that is our major summer project right now. I can't wait until it's done because it will be nice. Everyone have a great weekend.