Friday, March 20, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference

Yesterday was Parent Teacher Conference, so we spent the day running around seeing all of the kid's teachers. When we went to see Jacklyn's teacher she recommended that Jacklyn go to a transitional kindergarten for next year. At the transitional kindergarten they would go at a slower pace and be able to help Jacklyn with her speech more. She also said that if we ever decided that she was ready for regular kindergarten we could just switch her over at any time. She also said that in order to be in regular kindergarten Jacklyn would have to be potty trained. I know. I need to do it. It's just that she's not in a hurry to be potty trained. I'm not in a hurry to potty train her. And so we be both just sit where we are, content with life. Jacklyn wants to get her ears pierced really bad. She sees all of the earrings and jewelry I have and wants some of her own, so I told Jacklyn that if she gets potty trained she can get her ears pierced. She seems pretty excited about that. Jayden has been doing really good at school. They are going to be celebrating Grandparents day next month, so that is something he is looking forward to. After we were done, we all went and played at the park at Jacklyn's school. We all had a lot of fun, and the weather was super nice-almost 70. Spring is definitely coming and we are all happy, in fact, I think we are going to set up the trampoline tonight. Bye.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Dentist

I've been neglecting my blog again. I think I have decided that it's facebook. Every since Micah got me onto facebook I've been forgetting to put stuff on here. Then Michelle got everyone into Pet Society and it all went down hill from there.

Anyways, I took the kids to the dentist last week and everything went great. Addison had no cavities, Jacklyn had no cavities, then we got to Jayden. Jayden had four cavities, so he has to go back to the dentist next week and get them filled. I feel so bad because I think he doesn't have very good teeth so he is always at the dentist getting his teeth fixed. He is also so scared of the dentist too. He gets to miss school next Wednesday but I don't think he's very happy about why he has to miss school. Oh well. We've also started taking him to the orthodontist because he will need braces when he gets older. Poor guy. Anyways, I need to go and get some stuff done so everyone have a great day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Addison's Birthday

I have been so busy I haven't been able to post much on here, so I'm going to somewhat catch up. A few weeks ago, our ward had their annual Blue and Gold Banquet, and since Jayden is going to be in scouts this year we were invited to go. Micah and I decided that we want our boys to be scouts because it will teach good values and build friendships. So we went down to that and it was a lot of fun, and we got to see a lot of our friends from the neighborhood.

Another fun and exciting thing we had going on this week was Addison's birthday and our wedding anniversary. We were going to go to Chuck E. Cheese this Friday and celebrate, but we had made plans for one of Micah's friends to come over and since we had canceled the week before too we just kept it. So we went to the park today and played and celebrated Addison's birthday. It wasn't very fancy or party-ish but we had fun. We also had our wedding anniversary this weekend. Micah's mom watched the kids and we went to The Olive Garden and came home and watched some movies and just enjoyed being with each other with kids. It was nice, very nice. Thanks Craig and AnaRae.

As I was looking on here today I noticed that in February I had only posted two threads, so I will do in March at keeping everyone updated. Have a great day and Happy Birthday little Addison.