Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June's Activities

Ok, it has been a really long time since I've posted anything on here. And amazingly it hasn't been because nothing exciting has been going on, but rather the opposite. We have been so busy with summer activities I haven't really had time to post anything. And then Amber got Micah and I into Farm Town on facebook. Then Natalie got everybody into Restaurant City...and it's all gone down hill from there. Now to catch everyone up on what's been going on in June. First, we had our yearly dinner at First Colony Mortgage. They have a big barbecue every year for the customers at the park with food and prizes. They have a big blow up slide and a maze for the kids. There is also a park, so the kids can play on the playground too if they'd like. And the thing the kids enjoy the most is the little train that gives them rides around the park. The kids absolutely love going to this every year, and unfortunately it was raining, which is what it seemed to do all throughout the month of June. Another activity we did in June was Micah's friend told us about a really cool park in Orem, so we went up there to check it out. They have a huge swing with 3 swings on it that spins around like a merry-go-round. It would have been really fun but someone had broken the wooden bar off that you use to push the swings around to make them go fast. We were bummed. So then we trucked over to the pond that they also had at the park and there were some ducks. There were also ducks in the bushes laying and watching their eggs. The kids kept chasing the ducks around, so Micah told Jayden to chase the ducks over by him, so he could catch one. I wish we had brought a camera because it was really funny to see Micah and Jayden chasing ducks. Micah ended up catching one and he brought it over for all the kids to pet and see. It was really fun...and then it rained after we left. I swear the whole month of June involved rain. Our last major activity in June was when we went camping with Micah's parents this last weekend. It was fun...and it rained at that activity too. We were sleeping in a tent and it started downpooring really bad, so Micah got out and put a tarp over us just in case the tent wasn't waterproof. We luckily had no leaks. Then in the morning we went hiking up to some falls. I forgot the name of them. The kids actually did pretty good hiking, but they did poop out towards the end. I heard the hike was 3 miles round trip, but from others I heard it was 4 miles. That's a lot of walking for little kids. When we got home we forgot we had our Neighborhood/Ward Party. We ended up going to the last 30 minutes of it because we were too tired from the hiking to go to the whole thing, and the only reason we went to the last 30 minutes was because Jayden wanted to hit the pinata. So those are the major activites we had in June. I was going to post them all separately on the days that they happened, but I never got around to it.

Now for the 4th of July we are planning on going up to Amber's house. I still need to call and tell everyone. I'm terrible at that, I know. We were planning on watching the Rupert parade with everyone and possibly going the see the new Ice Age movie. We'll have to see. I think I've posted enough. Bye for now.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer School

Summer school has officially started this week for Jayden. I thought it would be like last year's summer school where I would drop him off at the school for a few hours, and it would be in a classroom setting with other kids. This time, I drop him off at the school, and he does one-on-one reading with his teacher, and 25 minutes later I pick him up. So I pretty much drop him off, come home, brush my teeth, and then go back and pick him up. Oh well. I know for sure Jacklyn's school is for two hours. Jacklyn misses her school bus and I think she's pretty excited to see her friends at school again. I don't think she is going to like the time she goes to school though- 9:00am. She is not a morning person. I usually have to drag her out of bed in the morning.

As for me, I have decided that everybody is getting potty trained this summer. I am going to get Jacklyn potty trained first, followed by Addison, and then it will be no more diapers for me. Yea! I have tried potty training Jacklyn, but she is being very resistant. Jayden wasn't this bad. So I have been buying some potty training books on Amazon to help me out. So wish me luck with all of that.

On last thing, Mary McAllister started a blog, Monkeys Galore, and I added her to My Blog List on the right hand side, so be sure to check out her stuff. With that said, everybody have a great week.