Friday, January 29, 2010

Jacklyn's 100 Days of School Party

Jacklyn's teacher called me a few days ago and asked me if I would be interested in helping Jacklyn's class with their 100 days of school party. I told her I would, so today Addison and I got to go down to Jacklyn's classroom and help with the activities. They had different stations of 100 things to do. At one station, they made a "100" crown with 100 different things glued or stamped on it, at another station they had a coloring activity, and at my station the kids got to come and make necklaces with 100 beads on them. It was a work helping the kids get 100 beads on their necklaces before time was up to switch to the next station, but it was a lot of fun too. They also had a big blow up house that the kids could go inside and jump around in. I think that's what Addison did most of the time. They said I could bring him and just let him play in the air house the whole time, so I did. He really enjoyed seeing what all of the older kids did at school, sing songs, sit on their designated spot on the floor, and the older kids enjoyed taking care of him too. After we did our activities we had snacks, and then we got to dance under the disco ball on the ceiling which was really a homemade ball with Christmas lights on it, it was really cool. Then it was time to go home. Jacklyn enjoyed me being at her class today and it was fun to be there. Jayden also got to have a 100 days of school party at his school too today, but I didn't go to that. Jayden had to bring 100 things to school, and he choose to bring 100 sunflower seeds. Then the kids got to go around and see all of the other 100 things kids brought and they had a party after wards too. It was a fun and busy day for all of the kids.

We also had Micah's birthday this week, on Tuesday. Micah signed up for the free birthday meal at Tucanos, so we decided to go out and eat there for his birthday. I have to say it was a little weird to eat there and be a vegetarian because what they do is bring different types of meat around if you have the green sign up. I just ended up eating the rotisserie pineapple which is really good, plus they had a really good salad bar, so it ended up not being that bad after all. When the kids got home from school we went and bought a birthday cake for Micah and surprised him with a small party when he got home. We didn't buy him any gifts because he always wants some crazy electronic item that I know I'll screw up and buy the wrong one, so he'll have to take a raincheck on the birthday presents. I also wanted to take him to Hollisters sometime for his birthday presents because I know he likes to buy clothes there. All right, I need to go now. Happy Birthday Micah!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas 2009

Here is our Christmas slide show. It has a lot of different Christmas activities on it like the kids seeing Santa, Jacklyn's field trip, the Christmas party at Martin's house, and Christmas Day. I hope you enjoy the slide show and that everyone had fun over the holidays.