Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Wild Rooster

So, I have to post this story that happened to us about a month ago. Micah had taken the kids outside to watch them while he watered the lawn. So he's standing there watering one of the trees in the backyard, and he looks over and sees Addison running by ... happily chasing a rooster. Micah had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't seeing things. So for the next week we had this wild rooster living in our backyard. He would cluck around and eat the walnuts and grapes in the backyard. Whenever the kids would go outside he would jump the fence and hang out on top of the barn behind our house. He would crow at the moon at three o'clock in the morning and other random times of the day. He drove our neighbor crazy, but we really enjoyed him. The kids loved to look out of our windows and watch him cluck around. Then he took off and we haven't seen him for a few weeks. I'll see if I can get Micah to post some pictures. See ya.


Natalie said...

HEY JENN!!!!! WHAT`S CRACK0ALACKIN!!? I dont know if amber persuaed you to do blogging, but she did to me. MY blog website is got that? good! see ya round! *chuckles* roosters in your backwyard? for being a girl with her nose in a book u sure got a wild house to take care of, mom got in an accident today cuz of a stupid truck driver if u want to learn more, just go to my site, the one I just gave u. bye bye!=)

GRAYSON'S said...

Hey...that rooster thing is HILARIOUS...good job on getting a pic on there.
I called Mom last night to find out about the car accident and she is fine. The semi trapped her between the curb and the semi and mom said it blew out the driver side window and all mom could do was sit there because she was stuck. It happened in town and mom said she was coming home from the doctors when it happened. What pisses me off is that the police officer said it was mom's fault and didn't even get a statement from her, he said he had witnesses so he didn't need her side of the story. grrrrr said the damage to the van is about $2,500.00. The drivers side door is smashed so you can't open it and it is also missing a window...yowsa.