Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jen's Dolls

I have been making these country dolls lately. I got one finished today, and decided to post a picture of her on my blog. I was debating whether to put socks on her or not. She's kind of hard to see on here; she looks a lot prettier in real life. I'm going to make more when I get time. I wanted to make an americana one to put in my bathroom because that is my theme in that room. Anyways, everyone have a great weekend. I can't believe I haven't posted anything all week. The week has gone by fast.

P.S. I just learned if you click on the picture you can get a bigger picture and see her better.


GRAYSON'S said... cute. If I made a wouldn't look like that..somehow it would end up with 3 arms and one leg...that's why I don't sew!
Anyways, I get to can pears with Denise on Monday..I'm way excited. Jeriah is getting two more teeth so he has been a poo-poo head tonight.
Dad told me that they are hoping Elias will be coming home soon..maybe Friday?
Do you guys know when you are coming up?
I think Jeriah might be Tiger for Halloween??

GRAYSON'S said...

when i said tiger...i meant tigger...

Jenn said...

I do that too.