Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Dentist

I've been neglecting my blog again. I think I have decided that it's facebook. Every since Micah got me onto facebook I've been forgetting to put stuff on here. Then Michelle got everyone into Pet Society and it all went down hill from there.

Anyways, I took the kids to the dentist last week and everything went great. Addison had no cavities, Jacklyn had no cavities, then we got to Jayden. Jayden had four cavities, so he has to go back to the dentist next week and get them filled. I feel so bad because I think he doesn't have very good teeth so he is always at the dentist getting his teeth fixed. He is also so scared of the dentist too. He gets to miss school next Wednesday but I don't think he's very happy about why he has to miss school. Oh well. We've also started taking him to the orthodontist because he will need braces when he gets older. Poor guy. Anyways, I need to go and get some stuff done so everyone have a great day.


GRAYSON'S said...

Poor guy!!!! Just treat him with a shake after the dentist.
That's awesome that the other two don't have cavitites!! YEAH!
You better keep up on your blog...Mom and Mike check it quite a bit. I think Mike has an account on google so that he can leave messages.

Jenn said...

I thought you were going to get Mom to start blogging on here, so that's good that they check stuff out.