Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Just had to type a quick blog here for Halloween. We were at 64 degrees today for the end of October; which was a nice treat. I wore a sweater while trick or treating with the kids and wish I hadn't, which for me is rare. Jayden was so excited to go trick or treating. He kept asking me, "Is it time YET?" We met up with some people in our ward and went trick or treating with them. The kids love to go trick or treating with their friends from church. So now we are back, munching on candy. Micah just went down to Hollywood Video to get a movie, and I am typing this real quick before he gets backs.

So everyone have a Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Costumes

The long awaited Halloween Costume pictures are here. First is Indiana Jayden, in action, cracking his whip.

This is Jacklyn in her Silvermist costume. She wasn't very excited about Micah putting her in the tree, so she wouldn't smile.

And last, but not least, is Adagator, happily riding his horse. If you clap after he stops bouncing; he will laugh and keep riding forever.

We're coming to Idaho

All right, we have decided when we are going to come up to Idaho. It is going to be November 22, which is the weekend before Thanksgiving. I got an invitation in the mail last week for Christina Helm's wedding, which is that weekend, so I decided that would be the weekend. We could see the family and Christina's wedding in one shot. So everybody mark your calendars. We are going to play Killer Bunnies, eat lots of junk food, stay up late, go to a wedding, and destroy Natalie's room all in one weekend. It will be lots of fun!

P.S. Amber, you got us addicted to that song on your blog, "Where Is The Love" by BlackEyed Peas, and now Micah is also addicted to the song "Family Affair."

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Slides of Fall and Halloween

Here is a slide show in celebration of Fall and Halloween. So enjoy!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Technical Difficulties

Well, I made the above slide show on Friday, but Amber didn't tell me that I needed to become a member of the slide show website before I made it, so none of it got saved. That's why those retarded numbers were at the bottom and we couldn't delete them. So I have posted the new one above. Thanks a lot Amber :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jacklyn's Pop Bottle Contest

So Jacklyn is in Preschool right now; which she just loves. And one of the things they are supposed to do is decorate a 2 liter pop bottle for Halloween. They will have the pop bottles displayed at the school. Then on their carnival night, which is sometime next week, they will give them away to winners of the "pop" walk. We decorated ours today and we thought it turned out very cute, and had to post a picture of it on here.
Hope all of you are getting ready for Halloween. Jayden is getting very excited. We have finally got all of his Halloween assessories, and he has been begging me to take pictures of him and post on here. We were going to do it Monday, but it was cloudy and yucky, Tuesday was a windy, blustery day, and Wednesday I was just too lazy. Maybe tomorrow, but defineately by the time the weekend is over. Everybody have a great day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Proposition 8

So I got onto the website yesterday because I wanted to sign the petition that the LDS church should not be telling gays that they can't marry. I feel so frustrated with the Church right now. They teach that everyone has free agency to choose whatever they want in life, yet thet are the first ones to take it away from everyone else. Wasn't that Satan's plan- to force everyone to live righteously?

I know that gays do not choose to be this way because of all the ones I have talked to or heard of saying that if they could change it they would. It is wrong for the Church to discriminate against gays like that. It's funny how history repeats itself. The Church had this same problem 30 years ago when they wouldn't allow Blacks to have the priesthood and discriminated against them and now they are just doing the same thing again.

I think it is interesting that Joseph Smith and his church were persecuted 150 years ago for his marriage beliefs (polygamy) and now today the Church persecutes others for their marriage beliefs (gay marriage). Isn't the Church, in this situation, no better than the mob that persecuted them? I have a hard time believing in a Church that discriminates against Blacks, that discriminates against women, that discriminates against singles, and that discriminates against gays. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (John 13:35) Does the Church practice what it preaches?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jen's Dolls

I have been making these country dolls lately. I got one finished today, and decided to post a picture of her on my blog. I was debating whether to put socks on her or not. She's kind of hard to see on here; she looks a lot prettier in real life. I'm going to make more when I get time. I wanted to make an americana one to put in my bathroom because that is my theme in that room. Anyways, everyone have a great weekend. I can't believe I haven't posted anything all week. The week has gone by fast.

P.S. I just learned if you click on the picture you can get a bigger picture and see her better.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Six weird things about me

Ok, so Amber "tagged" me and now I'm posting six weird things about myself. So, in no particular order they are:

1. I HATE Ranch dressing, and I HATE spaghetti. Yuck!

2. I'm a vegetarian (98% of the time)

3. I want to have an out of body experience, and explore the universe.

4. I believe that 9/11 was an inside government job...don't get me started.

5. I actually LOVE Christmas shopping, and do it months in advance.

6. And late at night, especially on Friday and Saturday night, I like to log onto and play Spin City Drive-Thru Dilemma with Jayden.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting Ready for Halloween

We have been getting very excited about Halloween here at my house. We went to the store last week and let Jacklyn pick out her Halloween costume. She decided she wanted to be Silvermist, who is Tinkerbell's fairy friend. Jacklyn loves buttlerflys and fairies, so she was pretty excited when she got to pick out her own fairy costume. Her costume is blue and violet with sparkles, and it came with some beautiful blue fairy wings. She looks gorgeous in it. Jayden has decided that he wants to be Indiana Jones for Halloween. He absolutely cannot be anything else. So I've been shopping around for deals on this costume, apparantly it's a very popular costume this year, and it's either really expensive or sold out in most stores. I went to Wal-Mart's web site the last week in September to see if they had this costume. They had it, and it was at a great price, and it was sold out. Bummer. They had their costumes posted for a week and it was already sold out. So I'm thinking of just getting it at Partyland. And, of course, Jayden has to have the accessories to go with it, the sachet and the whip, so he has promised to be good at school if I get them. Last, but not least, is Addison. The easiest one to get a costume for. Addison is going to be a crocodile for Halloween. I bought that costume for Jayden when he was Addison's age, and it is just adorable. He will have lots of fun.

I have also promised the kids that I would make special treats for Halloween. Jayden wants me to make a haunted Halloween "gingerbread house" but I told him I would think about it. What we really want to make is the Halloween cupcakes with the spiders and bugs on them. If you want to see what they look like look at the All You magazine cover, that is where we got the idea from. I told the kids I would buy the magazine and them the cupcakes, and they are very excited. We also picked out some interesting Halloween candy for this year. It's these gummy monsters that are also finger puppets. We thought they were really cool. So everyone have fun this Halloween.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Wild Rooster

So, I have to post this story that happened to us about a month ago. Micah had taken the kids outside to watch them while he watered the lawn. So he's standing there watering one of the trees in the backyard, and he looks over and sees Addison running by ... happily chasing a rooster. Micah had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't seeing things. So for the next week we had this wild rooster living in our backyard. He would cluck around and eat the walnuts and grapes in the backyard. Whenever the kids would go outside he would jump the fence and hang out on top of the barn behind our house. He would crow at the moon at three o'clock in the morning and other random times of the day. He drove our neighbor crazy, but we really enjoyed him. The kids loved to look out of our windows and watch him cluck around. Then he took off and we haven't seen him for a few weeks. I'll see if I can get Micah to post some pictures. See ya.