Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

All right, I am falling behind on my blogging. I started this blog yesterday, but then the kids needed me and I never got around to finishing. Thanksgiving was a blast. We had dinner at our house. Micah's mom gave us this tofurky, which is a tofu turkey, so that was our Thanksgiving turkey. Micah pulled it out to make it and didn't realize that you had to add more ingredients to it, so I trucked down to Wal-Mart to get our needed ingredients for our tofurkey roast. We also made those sweet potatoes with the marshmallows and brown sugar. Wow, that was good. We got the receipe online. It was called Mom's Sweet Potatoes, or something like that. Next, we watched some movies and hung out as a family. Then Micah decided to go up to his parents, so we did. We had fun hanging out with his family and watched The Errand of Angels on KBYU. It was ok. I bummed the day after Thanksgiving sale ads and decided I was going to be brave and go down to Wal-Mart at five in the morning the next day, because I had been wanting these princess slippers for Jacklyn and they were 4.00 instead of 8.00. So I told Micah to get me up at 5:00 in the morning, which he did. I finally rolled out of bed at ten after, and got to Wal-Mart at 5:20. When I got down to the Springville Wal-Mart (now I am just going to say this right now, I think I am done with early morning Christmas shopping after this year) there was an ambulance and a cop car at the main entrance. I guess things got pretty crazy there this morning. It took 10 minutes just to find a parking spot because the whole entire lot was completely full. I then go into the store and it was just packed with people everywhere. This store looked like a New York sidewalk at rush hour, that is how bad it was. I could hardly even walk over to the sales. I found Jacklyn's slippers, they only had one pair left, and they just happened to be her size, God loves me. I then went over to the DVD sales because I wanted to get Iron Man for nine dollars. As I was checking out the movies one of the employees there was telling some people what had happened there this morning that had caused the ambulance to come. She said that when the sales started at 5:00, people just started stampeding through the doors, and there was a woman who got knocked down. The manager yelled at the top of her lungs for people to stop because there was someone who had fallen down and was hurt, but no one even cared, they just continued to keep stepping on her. The Wal-Mart employee was saying that it is just sick that people act like that to just save a few dollars. The person she was talking to said that: aren't we all here shopping for Christmas and to celebrate Jesus's birthday, and that is how people act? The employee said that Christmas isn't about Jesus anymore, it's about retail. I agree with them, it is pretty sad how people act at Christmas time for these sales now. So after not finding Iron Man at this point, I gave up, and decided to just go home. I was going to go to ShopKo, but I think I got burned out just from going to Wal-Mart. Then I was instant messaging Matt (or Amber) later on that day and he saying that there was am employee at Wal-Mart in New York that got killed from a shopping stampede, so Jayden and I watched the news of it on MSN. That's pretty crazy that people act like that. I think I might be done with the early morning shopping sales. And that is how our holiday went; we had a lot of fun even though the shopping was crazy.

Today is Jayden's Birthday, so I will tell the details of his birthday and post pictures later. So everyone have a great day and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAYDEN!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jacklyn would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! So watch parades, eat food, and have a wonderful day from all of us.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I have finally finished my cross stitch picture this week. It's absolutely gorgeous, you will have to check it out. Micah had a four day weekend, so we have been busy choosing colors, matting, and framing. I saw this pattern on Bent Creek's website a few years ago, and had to stitch it. The way they did this picture is you buy each individual square separately, and then when you have all six squares you can get the border and stitch all of them together to make a town. It has been really fun to do. If you haven't noticed the picture has snaps sewn into every square, and that is how the town got it's name of Snapperville. So, as Amber probably already knows, every time we go up to Idaho I have to stop in Ogden and go to Shepherd's Bush because the cross stitching stuff they have is just gorgeous. So I was up there earlier this year, and they have the Snapperville picture on display along with some of the other pictures from this series, and at the top of the display is this sign that says: "Have you snapped?" I smile every time I read it.

We have a lot of activities going on this week, so I will be sure to keep you all posted. Have a great week, and enjoy your Thanksgiving.

P.S. You don't have to be a registered blogger to vote on the polls. So everyone be sure to vote, vote, vote.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Change of Holiday Plans

Ok, so the holiday plans have changed. I heard it from Amber that Christina postponed her wedding, so Micah and I have decided not to come up to Idaho this weekend. We are defineatly coming up on December 7 for the baby blessing. We will bring up Christmas presents, and play Killer Bunnies all weekend, so it should be a blast. Natalie, be sure to tell Dad. I have tried calling Mom, but she wasn't home last night, so I will try again tonight.

So, another crazy thing that happened in our life is last night we reclaimed our bed and kicked the kids out... or at least that was the hope. Micah bought a new lock for our door because Jacklyn broke our doorknob lock, so any child could just waltz right into our room whenever they felt like it. That was always lovely. So Micah put the new lock on last night, and we kicked Jayden and Jacklyn out. Jacklyn screamed for two hours and kept saying in her squeeky Jack-voice, "Mommy, it's me, open the door." Then Jayden kept saying, "Jacklyn, I can't go to sleep with you screaming like that." Then she finally calmed down, and Micah went to go and check on the kids to make sure nothing crazy had happened because the last time we kicked Jacklyn out of our room she got so mad she opened the fridge and freezer doors and left them open all night. It was not good. Soggy ice cream anyone? When I reminded Micah of that story, he got up and opened the door to check on the house, and that was when Jacklyn saw her chance, and came into our room. She happily snuggled up into our bed and kept giving me loving smooches. Then when Micah came in she batted her little eyes at Micah, so she stayed. At least Jayden wasn't in bed with us. It is way too crowded to have 5 people and a cat in a queen sized bed. Last week, at five o'clock in the morning, Micah and I couldn't stand it any longer and went into Jayden's bunk bed. The two of us had more room in a twin bed than our queen bed. It didn't last long though, I woke up later and Jacklyn had become my pillow, and Addison had taken what room was left, so Micah and I went back to our bed...with the kiddies waking up and trailing behind us. I am very thankful that the lock works on our door again, and that even though we haven't reached our goal yet of no children in our bed, at least we can lay on our backs now at night, and not be interrupted when you know what is going on. Micah is home now, so I am leaving you all and wishing you a great day.

P.S. Be sure to vote on your favorite Thanksgiving food item before leaving.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Movie Rentals

We finally made it to the weekend. Micah and I have been getting into the habit lately of renting movies over the weekend. Whenever we get a movie we have to get one for the kids, so we don't have to push pause every five minutes, because they're fighting, talking, somebody's gotta go pee, "I need a drink," "she's in my way," blah blah blah. So, to cut costs, Micah decided to sign up for Netflix because it is cheaper than spending eight dollars, twice in a weekend, times four weekends in a month. And there's no late fees. We seem to have a problem with that one, especially when we rent a kid's movie, and they just want to watch it all week, and I get too busy and forget, and it gets moved around and mixed in with all of the other kid's movies. Yikes, what a mess. No late fees with Netflix, and you can download some of the movies online and watch them instantly. So last night, Micah downloaded a movie called Chocolat. I was actually very impressed. I would have given it a five star rating. It's a story about a lady and her daughter, who move into a town, but they don't go to church like everyone else in the town does. She opens up a chocolate shop and ends up helping a lot of people in the town. Then there is a group of boaters who come into town, and since they are different, the mayor, who is also in charge of the church, wants everyone to boycott them because they different. Defineately a good movie. It got me to thinking about our church and how they "boycott immorality" because gays are different from us. And everyone in the church does what the leader tells them to do. Very interesting similarities. Anyways, I will leave you with a thought I saw from Steven Weinberg because I feel it ties in very well with this movie: "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Alright, Amber has tagged me...again. So here are the rules:

Each person answers questions about their sweethearts. At the end of the post, the person then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged.

So here are the questions:


HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED TO HIM? It will be 8 years in March.

HOW LONG DID YOU DATE? Six weeks before we got engaged, six and a half months before we got married.

HOW "YOUNG" IS HE? He is 29 years old.

WHO IS TALLER? If I was taller, we would not have gotten married.


WHO IS SMARTER? It depends on the subject.

WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY? Micah has only done two loads of laundry since we have gotten married, and I think I'm being generous.

WHO PAYS THE BILLS? He makes the money. I spend the money. Any questions?

WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED? I have heard that the man is suppose to sleep closest to the door to protect his women. So, ironically, that is how we sleep; we actually didn't plan it that way now that I am thinking about it. Now to answer the question, I do sleep on the right side.

WHO MOWS THE LAWN? Micah mows the front lawn, and I mow the back lawn, unless I can convince him to let me mow the front too. He's a guy, and has to have the front lawn all professional looking with the stipes like you see on baseball stadium grass. Our neighbor thinks we are really weird because he has never seen a woman mow a lawn. I guess that isn't something that women do in Utah.

WHO COOKS DINNER? We switch off, it depends on what kind of mood I am in. Plus, I hate cooking.


WHO KISSED WHO FIRST? Micah made the first move. I was just dating guys, and happy with going to college. Micah told me later that he had promised himself that he wasn't going to kiss a girl after he got back from his mission unless he knew he wanted to marry her. I was not aware of this fact until later.

WHO WEARS THE PANTS? Amber, where did you get these questions from? :) I would say Micah right now, but when all our kids get into school I plan on going back to school and getting a job.

Now I have to tag six people? Oh boy, I only know two people on this blog, and one of them tagged me, so I am tagging Natalie...times six. I need to find more friends. Speaking of friends, Micah started facebooking, so we looked up my high school graduation class last night, and Charmaine was on there. Micah added her as a friend, so I will see if I get to talk to her tonight. Bye.

P.S. I just have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Amber today! Don't have too much fun with that e-card; me and kids just kept watching it over and over. Have a great birthday!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Holiday Plans

All right, now that Halloween is over, nothing exciting has been happening. There was so much stuff I wanted to post the week of Halloween that I never got to post, like the Trunk-or-Treat ward party, and carving pumpkins, and spider cupcakes, which we never even got to ourselves.

So now that Halloween is over I am thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Thanksgiving, Micah and I have decided that we are going to stay home, make tasty food, and rent movies, and just hang out as a family all day. We were thinking about going to the dollar theatre that day, so we'll have to see if they are opened. Micah's family is having a huge Thanksgiving dinner at the chuch, but we don't like having the huge crowd. I would rather have a small group for Thanksgiving than a hundred people. Now on to Christmas. Micah and I are probably going to come up to Idaho December 7 for the baby blessing, and give everyone their Christmas presents then. So what I need some hints from Amber and Natalie on what you guys want for Christmas. If you don't say anything, don't be disappointed on Christmas. All right, we need to go up to Micah's parents right now for some birthday parties, so everyone take care, and have a great weekend.